About Me
In 1990 Our Renshi. R. Prabakaran started hiskarate training under Renshi B.Sudhagar at Chennai.
In 1995 he got the black belt sho-dan from Masagaru.
He practice shito ryu, goju ryu and shorinryu styles of karate.
He participated a various tournament in Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore and Bihar etc...
He start his first karate dojo in 1999 in Chennai.
In 2001 he got his Black belt ni dan from hanshi S.Rajamani.
He contacted Hanshi Isamu Arakaki Okinawa Japan in 2003. In august 2003 he went to Okinawa, Japan. And participated in World karate tournament.
He stayed and practiced in headquarters of Kodokan dojo.
In 2004 Hanshi Isamu Arakaki sensei visited india and he gave distinquished training to our kodoka india students and our Renshi R. Prabakaran got San-dan black belts.
In 2006 and 2008 our Renshi R.Prabakaran visited Japan again and practices under Isamu Arakaki Sensei, he got black belts Yon-dan in 2008.
In 2009 he visited Okinawa again with his students for world tournament, attended as international referee and his students participated as contestants in World Tournament.
In 2012 he got go-dan black belt from Ryuta Arakakai sensei (son of Isamu arakaki sensei).
In 2019 Vazcuse sensei and Marcelo sensei visited to indis and gave the excelled training to our kodokan india students.
In 2020 our Renshi received the roku-dan black belt from vazcuse sensei in the guidance from Ryuta Arakaki sensei.