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Origin of shorinryu kodokan and its Lineage



Peichin Takahara was an educated person at that time. He is the person who draw the first maps of Okinawa. He comes from a Samurai Family and superb fighter. He was the teacher of To-de Sakugawa, the father of Karate.


To-De Sakugawa Kanga (1733-1815)


To-De Sakugawa Kanga, Known as the father of Karate. Master Sakugawa was born in 1733 in Shuri, Okinawa. He studied the art of Samurai Sward from Peichin Takahara. At Takahara a death he named Sakugawa as 1930’s. Sakugawa improved his techniques under Master Kusanku (A Chinese Martial Arts Expert). Sakugawa’s main students was Sokon Matsumura, the founder of Shuri. He made Kusanku and Sakugawa No Kun (bo) kata.


Bushi, Sokon Matsumura (1792-1815)


The founder of Shuri-te. He studied martial arts under famous Tode Sakugawa. He was the bodyguard to three Ryu Kyu kings. Bushi is the rank which can be translated as warrior. He made few students the famous one was Itosu Anko who was the founder of shorin system and teacher of many leading karatekas. Matsumura put the foundation to Shuri system. Nabe Matusumurais the one who learned Matusumura sacred family style of karate. It was the foundation of Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu (Houhan Soken) later. His other students were Anko Azato, Chotsu Kuwae, Sanda Chinen, ChochuItarashiki, Peichin Kinjo, Chotoku Kyan, Chosho Chibana, Peichin Kyuna, Ryosei Kuwae.


Anko (Iron Horse) Itoso (1827-1906)


Master Itosu was the most influenced karate teacher in the later 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. He was the teacher to many leading karate teachers. He did a great job to the spreading of karate. He was the person who introduced karate to the Okinawan school made lot of changes in katas. He made new versions of Naihanchi, Kushanku, Pasai katas. His students were Choshin Chibana (Kobayashi Shorinryu), Kentsu Yabu(Shorinryu) Chichin Funakoshi(Shotokan), Kenyu Kudekan, Choki Motobu(Shorinryu) Chorin Yamakawa, Mouden Yabiku (Famous Kobudo Master), AnbunTokuda, Choujyo Oshiro, Kanken Toyama, Kenwa Mabuni (Shito Ryu) Shinpan Gusukuma (Shorinyu Ryu).


Hanshi Chosin Chibana – 10th Dan(1885-1969)


Hanshi Chosin Chibana was the best student of Itosu. He is called as the father of modern shorinryu. He named his system of shorinryu as Kobayashi Ryu. He is the first 10th dan in shorinryu. He gained many prices and honors to his great work in Karate. He lost many of his good students in the II World War. But before he died he promoted five of his students to 9th dan. They are Yuchoku Higa (Shorinryu Kyudokan),Chozo Nakama, Katsuya Miyahira (Shorin ryu Shidokan) ShugoruNakazato(shorinryu shorinkan) and kensei Kinjo. The famous karatekas Ankichi Arakaki(1899-1929)Seitoku Ishikawa and katsuyuki shimabukurowere also Chibana students.


Master Jinan Shinzato


Direct student of Master Chojun Miyagi the founder of Goju Ryu. A teacher of HanshiYuchoku Higa before Chibana.


Hanshi Yuchoku Higa – 10th Dan(1910-1994)


Hanshi Yuchoku Higa (10th Dan) Founder Shorin ryu Kyudokan was born in Naha City, Okinawa in 1910. He was a well known 10th dan inokinawa and famous as the strong fist of Okinawa, because of the amazing power generated in his punch. He first started learned kihon and kata from him for 6 years. And after sensei, Shiroma death in 1933 Sensei, Yuchoku Higa train one year alone. Then he became a student of JinnanShinzato, who was a main pupil of Master, Chojun Miyagi. It brings the kata Seisan in to our system. And Master Higa learnt punching techniques from Master Seiei Miyahira, who was a specialist in punching techniques.In 1941 Master Higa started teaching karate. In 1941 he became a student of famous shorin ryu master Chosin Chibana, who was the most talented student of Anko Itosu. In a short time master Higa became the best student of chibana and he was the first one who received the 9th danchibana. In the year 1947 he inaugurated the Kyudokan Karate Dojo and applied himself to perfecting and developing everything that he had learnt from his masters, and especially from Choshin Chibana, with whom he continued to practice. In 1961 when the first shorin ryu karate do Association of Okinawa was formed, presided over by Master Yuchoku Higadied on November 6, 1994, in Naha,at the age of 84.


Hanshi IsamuArakaki (10th Dan)


Hanshi Isamu Arakaki founder of Shorinryu Kodokan was born in Okinawa. When he was 12 years old he was taken to Yuchoku Higa Sensei by his father. Isamu Arakaki sensei father was sensei Higasensei’s friend. He had been practicing till 1993 as teacher, and he was awarded 8th dan by Higa sensei in June of 1993 I independent of my teacher higa and founded the kodokan, at present he has branches in mainland Japan instructed by Isamu nakahodo (godan), Tsuyoshi nerome (6th dan) and in Argentina, Uruguay, Italy England and in India R.Prabakaran traveled Okinawa to learn under Grand Master Isamu Arakaki Hanshi  in Kodokan.2003 onwards.  IN 2013 isamu sensei passes away. Now world president is Ryu ta arakakai sensei.  and in India R.Prabakaran traveled Okinawa to learn under Grand Master Isamu Arakaki Hanshi  in Kodokan.2003 onwards currently he is the representative for India.